The Remix Coach
Kendéll Lenice
Certified Transformational Life Coach
Healing & Aging Coach
Keynote Speaker
Talk Show Host
TV Commentator
Certified Transformational Life Coach
Healing & Aging Coach
Keynote Speaker
Talk Show Host
TV Commentator
One on one session: Navigating Through Your Life Becoming one with yourself, getting over past hurdles and pains. Addressing your childhood, self-awareness, esteem, present, future goals. As well as, commitment issues, time management, procrastination, getting unstuck, lack of motivation, career and job issues and MUCH MUCH more! We-together work on YOU in the areas YOU want. This is a beautiful process.
Healing is essential for living a happy whole life. Coaching through trauma and unhealed wounds will help you live the life that you want. When we are unhealed, it spills over into all areas of life. At the end of every session, we spend the last 5 minutes with breathing exercises.
Want to start your own business or maintain the one you have? It’s time for your session. Learn to earn and save more. Coach you on how to get started and stay in the business that you love or start a new one! The ultimate goal is financial wealth and freedom.
Many people struggle with the aging process. Bodies change as well as the way we look at aging. It's difficult for many to understand and adapt to the aging process. Getting older is a barrier for many. This coaching teaches how to get over the barriers/restrictions and get on with life.
4 or more family members or a group of 4 or more. Conflict resolution and team building. Goal Achieving Family Planning (Agendas) & MORE
a neutral party and professional can help you achieve the outcome that you want for the people you love work with or have to coexist with. You will learn how to listen fall back, acknowledge others and resolve conflict or common goals.
Helping you remain a whole unit, working out problems and conflict to grow as a couple. 3rd party interpretation and mediation. Coaching... Healthy arguments and problem solving ideas, as well as future goals. The goal is to have and cultivate healthy relationships and increase the love in a healthy way new (remixed) way.
More Coaching Available -Scroll to “Book Session” to see more coaching and meet for a FREE Consultation
Are you feeling stuck in your career? Do you want to find a job that you love? My career coaching services can help you identify your strengths and passions and find a fulfilling career path. you no longer have time to waste in a career that does not serve you. It’s time to restructure and strategize. What you wanna do and who you want to affect in what you do. Let’s remix your approach !
Are you struggling to communicate with your partner or find a healthy work-life balance? My relationship coaching services can help you improve your communication skills , add spark and find the balance you need to build a strong and healthy relationship. I specialize in helping people remix your relationships. Single, Dating, Married or Divorced….let‘s get the best out of you, then you can give to others.
Are you neglecting your own needs and feeling burnt out? My self-care coaching services can help you prioritize self-care and develop a sustainable self-care routine that works for you. Self-care is more than a massage or a manicure. It starts from the inside out self-care is essential for a healthy life. It can actually save your life.Self-care is more than a massage or a manicure. It starts from the inside out self-care is essential for a healthy life. It can actually save your life. It’s time to remix some things today!
Do you struggle with negative self-talk or limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential? My mindset coaching services can help you identify and shift your limiting beliefs and develop a growth mindset. You are what you think about or don’t think about for that matter everything flows from your mindset and how you think when you change your thinking habit, you remix your life habits…it’s that simple how you speak internally without uttering a word will say a lot about the things that happen in your life and around your life it’s time to be mindful. Find out more. Let’s remix your life!
Are you struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle or reach your fitness or food goals? My holistic coaching services can help you develop a sustainable “life” routine and build healthy habits that stick. It’s time to be in the best health you’ve ever been in in organic and simplistic way. It may be in your reach more than you think. It is find out more because you’re worth it. Remixing your approach to health can save your life!
**Kendéll Lenice is also a certified meditation practitioner, specializing in breathing techniques.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress and struggling to manage it effectively? My stress management coaching services can help you develop coping strategies and build resilience to stress. Mental health
23% of American adults reported experiencing a mental health condition in the past year. Workplace stress43% of U.S. workers reported feeling tense or stressed during their workday. Younger workers were more likely to feel stressed than older workers. Stress kills and that’s a difficult fact! Let’s remix and reduce your life load.
Excuse Me, Your Unhealed is Showing is the key to living your best life. It’s time to shed the dead weight that’s been holding you back. You are bigger than what you what you’ve been though. You are powerful beyond what you can imagine, but your unhealed places are hindering you from your next level in your life.
Kendell Lenice: Personal Statement
I’ve coined the phrase, “It’s never too late to remix your life!” I not only believe that, I am that! I speak what I know and I’m living proof you can do it! Sometimes remixing your life is a matter of life and death.
I’ve had to remix my life, many times over. Through my own healing and peace journey, I have gained even more compassion and urgency to help you move past what's holding YOU back from being who you are called to be.
As a Transformational Life Coach & Speaker, I am inspired by transformation and self-empowerment. As a caterpillar sheds its protective skin, evolving into a beautiful butterfly, I help people do the exact same thing with their lives. It’s important to me that people live their best and ultimate lives. Helping individuals blossom into a better version of themselves, is a calling for me. When I see a person drowning in the mistakes of their pasts, not living up to their fullest potential in their present life or frantically concerned about their future,
I step in to remind them of their greatness and how far they've come.
Being intentional about your life and becoming a better you is what you owe yourslef.
Everyone has a defining moment in their lives, where change begins to happen. As a transformational life coach and speaker, I am a catalyst for change, development and growth. It’s my duty to pour the 3-Ps…positivity, possibility and purpose back into the lives of women, men and children. I believe everyone wants to improve their lives, but many don’t know where to start. People usually give up right before they breakthrough and breakout of their darkness, self-pity and emotional struggles. Life is a like the open road. You may have a carefree journey without any bumps…smooth terrain. However, at some point down life’s road you will approach road blocks, caution lights, accidents, slippery roads and stop signs. Many think the road as they know it will never be the same, but that’s ok. A new path is a new start. You just to learn to proceed, not with caution, but with wisdom through your past experience. It’s all growth.
I always say, "growth has a glow" and everyone can see it.
We all have a light within us, but people are often afraid to shine brightly. Through affirmations, coaching, group sessions, self-acceptance, self-awareness, visualization, motivation, humor and empowerment, I reignite the flame.
Transformation is a part of life, nothing stays the same and neither should you. You have the power to remix your life.
Allow me to help you see or rediscover the GREAT in you." ~Kendell Lenice
As your Life Coach, I’m here to support you in living your best life. Let me guide you in recognizing your greatness and achieving the next level in your journey. I’ll hold you accountable and help you stay on track, just like a coach does for a winning team. As a professionally trained and experienced Life Coach and Speaker, I have the tools and expertise to help you create the life you envision and experience a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment. Let’s win together!
Embarking on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle is a significant commitment that demands dedication. Rest assured, the effort you invest will yield rewarding results. My personal pledge is to offer you accountability, understanding, and support as you achieve lasting growth. Individuals of all ages, from youth to seasoned seniors, have the opportunity to transform their lives for the better. It’s never too late to become the person you’ve always aspired to be!
Endorsement Testimonial From
Catherine T. Raynor / CEO of Speak Life Tour
I coined the phrase, “It’s never too late to remix your life.” This belief is central to who I am—and it applies to you too! I speak from experience and am living proof that you can achieve your goals. I’ve reinvented my life multiple times and now teach others to do the same. Through my personal journey toward healing and peace, I’ve developed a deeper compassion and a sense of urgency to help others overcome the obstacles preventing them from fulfilling their true potential.
Are you looking for clarity and insight into your life. Are you at a crossroads in life and need guidance on which way to turn? Allow me as your coach, to help you discover what's already inside of you. God already put in you, what you need. You can begin the process to self discovery, healing and a new sense of self. Little things can make a large impact in your life.
Sometimes it's difficult to get out of your own way. You may be scared to make your life more exciting and less rigid. You may be scared to take off your business attire and live a free and fun life. Is there something you want to achieve but just don't know how to approach it? In order to think outside the box, you may have to remove the box out of your eyesight. Tear down the walls.
All work and no play makes for a dull life. Are you so busy with work and the children, that you don't know how to fit love into the equation? Have you moved the "L" word out of your heart and vocabulary? Is your significant other complaining that you don't know how to divide your time? You may need a life coach to assist you in discovering different ways to juggle and prioritize effectively.
Was your New Year Resolution to live a healthier lifestyle? Often times when the year approaches, everyone wants to turn over a new leaf...to get fit and live a healthier lifestyle. If you need someone to hold you accountable in achieving your goals, then you need a life coach. Let's put an action plan into play. If you don't take care of you, then YOU can't take care of anyone else.
Are you a robot? Do you do the same things the same way, but expect different results? Are you stuck in a boring rut and routine, but don't know how to get out of it? It's easy to complain and do nothing, but how far have you gotten with that behavior? Try something new! Get motivated to make changes in your life. Do something exciting and get out of your own way. Allow a coach to help you find the happy in happiness!
What's important to you? Is living the best life ever important to you? You have a right to live a happy and productive life! Don't sell yourself short on what life has to offer. It's time to get back to the basics and take life by the horn. If you have low self-esteem, hate your job, feel unfulfilled, stuck in a dead end relationship, then it's time to act now. Smell the roses and while you are alive and well. You are no different from anyone else, remix your life!
Do you have tasks and can't find the motivation to tackle any of them? Do you procrastinate?
Is it challenging to "do" life without comparing your life to others' achievement or happiness levels?
Have you had the same goal, but no progress?
Unsure of how to execute your vision for your life or business?
Childhood trauma, relationship, divorce, breakups , death of a loved one or more?
Is vulnerability challenging for you?
Kendell Lenice LIVE : The Interview Series on YouTube
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Your generous donation and support will help us help others heal. When one heals, we all heal. Kendell Lenice is in the progress of raising money for her center, The Remix Wellness Center. A safe place of healing, growth, life coaching, meditation , emotional freedom and total wellness.
”Serving others; serves us all!”
Kendell Lenice is not a therapist. She is a Certified Transformational Life & Financial Coach with a degree in Human Services (Professional Helper). You are responsible for your life and the decisions you make over your life. She cannot tell you what to do...only guide you, with your consent. Kendell Lenice does not prescribe medication, nor is she able. She is not doctor or therapist. If you are in need of a licensed therapist, she will offer suggestions to help you through your journey.
*If you are having thoughts of suicide or are a danger to yourself and/or others, please call 911 immediately.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call or Text 988
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